Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pesko : Multi-feelings

credit to lysa

tidak ! Pesko is over ... one and a half day is not enough la cikgu ! seriously , we want more of this camping thing and of course i am already missing 'stand two' ... gee , "*boom!* , down ! get in your position" ... i miss sayin this .... and another boom will go off and all of us must stand up in one row and one of us must count all of us so that no one is missin ...

First day :

ohoh ! i arrived on time with a little slight late of course ... then hang out jap outside while looking for my friends ... then , i took my bag and stuff inside ... all of us  gathered around for spotcheck ! and thank god i remembered to wear everything but my friend forgot to bring his belt ... and when i was lookin around ... suddenly he was holdin a belt ... "eh mu dpt mno pulop tale pingee ni?" ... and he answered "fiikrie buri satni , dio bwk duo baree blako ... baju pun dio bwk duo ... gilo .." and i was like "wtf!" ... then our  cik arrived , he said to us a day before that "esk sep awk tgk la sayo kerat rambut pendek , cukur misai janggut blako" and that day it was no different ... he said "janji melayu ... :p" .... and i was like "cis , aku dio suh botok ... tuee pon x wat"

the first competition was 'kawad kaki' ... while we were waitin for our turn , we saw a lot of things ... u know ... the spirit and all ... what a mornin ! then it was our turn ... all of us want to win this cause we dont want to humilate the name of kadet polis .. adush ... and bla3 ... all of us went to our campsite and put up all of our camp ... then , it was time for semayang jumaat ... all the boys went to the mosque and took that chance to buy sum stuff along the way to the mosque ... we came back and continue to finish our camp ...  it turned up pretty well ... we were next to Silat and Pilot ... silat camp was pretty cool but pilot camp was kinda plain because some of them were freakisly pondan ... "omg ! panas gilo mls gilo nk wat camp " ... hey dude , what  do you think we were feelin ? ...

the second competition for that day was 'Gadget' but the teacher said that gadget will be count with our camp punyer markah la ... then the teacher decide to let us die in the middle of the field for like 3 hours straight under the sun ... all of us were cursing at the teacher ... :p ...

the third competition that day was cooking ! me and apek started to cut all the bamboos while the other boys start the fire ... all the girls like always was assigned with cooking thing .. they gave us sardine , some vegetables and rice ... our station was messed up with all this tiny lipan and all the girls keep screamin ... hahaa ... the boys got hurt while cuttin all the buluh ... the food turned up pretty well ... first time sardine and rice look extremely delicious since all of us were fuckin starvin ...

then its time for maghrib .. me and apek (afeef nabih) was the only boys who were at the camp ... the wind starts to pick up... me and apek was thinkin "shit kalu hujan pahni" ... me and apek went to the mosque and when we were prayin ... the rain came and afer maghrib me and apek rush out to defend our camp from flyin ... from maghrib to 9pm we were outside cold ... the teachers just looked at us ... all of our stuff got wet ...  and finally the teacher decide to put us in the musalla for the night ... and that night ... sumone stole my wallet .... so not cool .. my ic and bank card was in there ! fuck you !

Second Day :
credit to Hanis Rowi

the first stand two was around 5a.m ... all of us meniarap dlm musalla .. and i was so proud with myself cause i was the first guy to wake up ... :p ... i woke up and straight gerak apek and zulfikrie ... all of us were seriously sleepy , everyone stand and walked like zombies going out of the musalla ... "ok , sep awk mandi pahtu smayee" ... i forgot to jemur my towel and yea it was freakishly soaked ! same goes to everyone ... bro ben gave us quite a talk sampai we miss the first program of the day , 'Maher Cergas' ... then the teacher asked us to go to our tent and clean it ... the second program that day was 'Rentas Halangan' ... while waiting for our turn , we warmed up our body then run like freakish pig ... but teratur ok ! apek should be infront of me but he fell and when i turned my head back ... he was last in our line ... my friend told me that he fell again at the tyre ... and when we arrived at the finish line , "Gempur ! Wira !" ... then back to the camp to finish our camp , then it was time for the 'orientari' or ' pandu arah' ... but i was not on that competition ... we were busy making gadget for our camp ... but before the orientari ... a lot of stand two is made and finally we made a canon for the stand two ... gee i love stand two !  then all of us gathered in front of the astaka around 4pm ... and pack our stuff ... gathered for the last time and a lot of 'bang!' to accompany us home ... gee i love camping !